
About Edenvale community Gardens

Anyone can  become a member of the Edenvale Community Garden for $35 a year per plot to support lour garden, tools and education. Members are required to grow in the assigned plots which are a generous 1 0 x 20 feet.  Some members have several plots.

There are 20 member plots with more on the way. 

The site has been operational for 5 years and is cosponsored by Edenvale Retreat & Conference Centre and the HOME Society. The land has been set aside by Edenvale and was initially laid out and is maintained by the HOME Society. The tools are a combination of HOMES, Edenvale and the current gardeners. The site is part of a 117 acre Chemical Free property and we are committed to continuing Organic and permaculture processes in the plots.

Garden and adjacent buildings

Photos of the Edenvale grounds

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